On April 27, 2017 the joint class between two faculties, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Radiophysics Faculty, was carried out. Two British students presented their knowledge and eloquence to the Russian students of different specialties. They encompassed diverse cultural aspects of living in the modern world and anticipated the development of future technologies.
The students who took part in the event shared their impressions:
Andrey Ovchinnikov, Radiophysics Faculty 1-year student: “Today we had a nice class about future technologies with foreign students. They were very interesting people and I’m very happy that I can be in this class and talk to them. It was very interesting to exchange opinions with them about future technologies, what they will be like in different spheres of our life. I understood them perfectly but speaking English itself was much more difficult. I hope that this was not our last meeting and, in general, not the last lesson in this format and the next time my English will be much better than today!”
Alexander Sotnikov, Radiophysics Faculty 3-year student: “It was my first meeting with foreign people. At the beginning everyone was shy but not these guys. They started to joke and atmosphere has become more friendly. Then we asked them some questions and so did they. After that we explained difficult words from our languages to each other, such as: "antidisestablishmentarianism" or "переборщить". Guys also spoke Russian and it was so good! It was really good speech practice for both sides and everyone left with good mood. Thanks to the faculty of foreign languages for such opportunities. I hope there will be more such meetings in the future!”
We are looking forward to organizing and participating in such events and express our pleasure to the Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages and the Dean of Radiophysics Faculty for the collaboration in the field of cross-cultural development.