Необычное занятие в Музее компьютеров
22 февраля 2023 магистранты 1 курса Физико-технического факультета ТГУ (групп 102208, 102209, 102211, 102212 и 102213) вместе с преподавателем кафедры английского языка естественнонаучных и физико-математических факультетов Зеличенко Юлией Львовной провели пару в необычной обстановке, они побывали на экскурсии (язык экскурсии – английский) в Федеральном государственном бюджетном учреждении науки Институте оптики атмосферы им. В.Е. Зуева Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук (ИОА СО РАН). У магистрантов была возможность познакомиться с историей института. ИОА первый академический институт г. Томска – создан в 1969 г. на базе лаборатории инфракрасных излучений Сибирского физико-технического института при Томском государственном университете.
Целью занятия-экскурсии была практика умений общения на английском языке. Ребята посетили ретро музей компьютеров, созданный по инициативе проф. Коношонкина Александра Владимировича.
В музее представлены компьютеры всех поколений на базе процессоров Intel от i8086 до Pentium MMX c установленными компьютерными программами и операционными системами соответствующих лет: от DOS до Windows 98.
Инициатор и организатор мероприятия ст. преподаватель Зеличенко Юлия Львовна.
Организаторы благодарят профессора кафедры прикладной аэромеханики Физико-технического факультета ТГУ Коношонкина Александра Владимировича, д. ф.-м. н., руководителя Лаборатории рассеяния электромагнитных волн ИОА СО РАН за помощь в организации проведения мероприятия.
Отзывы магистрантов (язык и стиль авторов сохранен):
“There was a good company and interesting conversations. First of all, I liked the simplicity of the designs. The teacher spoke English and it was possible to understand the meaning without even knowing some specific words... I liked the story about computers…It so happened that English is gradually coming into my life. Meeting foreigners, watching videos, listening to audios, interesting events in foreign language. I enjoyed this trip” - Владислав Глуховский.
“I liked the excursion very much. First of all, the place itself was quite interesting. The guide spoke very interestingly about the history of the development of computers and operating systems. He also spoke about the institute, about what they do” - Большаков Никита.
“We are used to being surrounded by computers. And we rarely think about who exactly and how created this miracle technology, which subsequently penetrated into all industries and spheres of our life. During the excursion, I was interested in learning and tracing the path of development of a personal computer. I learned about the differences and similarities between old and new computers and the history of computer evolution. It was my first excursion in English and I really enjoyed it” - Бородина Анжелика
“Last week my groupmates and me visited V.E. ZUEV INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS. We got an excursion in the main building. The topic of this small event was a history of computers. Alexander Konoshonkin is the Head of the Laboratory of the Atmospheric Radiation and he told us about the most important points of computer history. We saw one of the first computers and a CD-disk. Their size now looks so big and the black-and-white display is very inconvenient and because of it PC had a limited opportunities for using” - Селиховкин Михаил.
“I liked the excursion. It was enough easy for me to understand the talk as the information was supported by illustrative examples. It was interesting to look at computers of the past generation and learn more about the technology. Thank you for the excursion” - Махинько Александр.
“I really liked the excursion to the Institute of Atmospheric Optics. I learned about this institute for the first time, this excursion showed me how numerous are the ways to apply my professional skills. And on the other hand, since we were given a tour in English, I realized that my thoughts can be expressed in simple words in the scientific field. In addition, it was interesting to look at old computers!” - Тупицина Дарья.